Will Congestion Pricing Change How You Drive? Tell Us About It.

New York City is preparing to launch the first comprehensive congestion-pricing program in a major U.S. city.
I’ve written about transit for The New York Times for three years, including about how the city has reached this point in its congestion pricing plan.
If you drive inside the congestion pricing zone, I’d like to hear from you to help with my reporting for an article on how the zone will affect traffic in Lower Manhattan. Will you use transit instead of driving into the zone? Will you drive a different route? Will you park somewhere outside the zone?
I will read every response and reach back out to you if I’m interested in hearing more about your situation. I will not publish any part of your response to this questionnaire without following up with you first and hearing back from you. And I’ll only use your contact information to reach out to you and won’t share it outside the Times newsroom.